Thursday, September 25, 2008

i wanna meet LeeHom

Wonder what is this???

This is an essay written by a student...
Here's what he's written....

The Title
Looking outside my window-Describe sight, sound and activities.

"Looking outside my window, got bird, got boy.Boy eat bird, bird die.
I see a rainbow outside. It is very colourful. I am happy because it is very beautiful.
I see children playing with balls outside. All kinds of balls. Football, basketball, baseball, ballball.

My mom and dad come into my room and sit beside me on my bed. They look outside the window too. My mom is sitting on my right and my dad is sitting on my left. They are happy that i am happy. Suddenly, some sparrows flew past. Our family dog then jumped out of the
window to catch some birds.

Our dog is a very active dog. He eats a lot. He is an active dog who eats a lot. This is why he is active. However, he is not a very clever dog because he is mad. When he jumped out of the window to catch the birds, he forgot that our family lives on the twenty fifth floor. Dog die. Me sad.

This is a bad day for me looking outside the window because I am sad. I am sad because my parents just bought the dog yesterday. W
e are sad. Suddenly an aeroplane flies past the window. We forgot about our dog and are very surprised because we have never seen an aeroplane before. As a result, we are happy because the aeroplane is very exciting.
My mom is talking to me, but i continue looking out the window. She screams, but i still look outside the window. I am deaf because of the large sound from the aeroplane. We are sad again but happy because
the rainbow is still in the sky.

This is an exciting day outside my window."

And he got a C+ for that...Lol..But then kids now of days are kinda smart huh...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

" Is it OK if i drive the van and pick u all up??"
"Anything la~~ V are not "Dai Sui Che(rich spoilt girls)" la.."

That was what we agreed when Dai Lou called this afternoon....
But what we expected was totally a different story...
Infront of us was a normal looking van when ppl make delivery(that was what v expected to get on but......) When Mr.LeeJinPei open the door to the back seat~~~~~~~
All i can say is ------------->

It's not that v mind going into a van but....
a van with not seats!!! there was a vy big empty seat/floor for us....and luckily at the side there was some was laughing at the top of her lungs!!! But seriously it was vy funny....
The three of us got to the back seat(or should i say back floorSeat) and got the idea of playing "Chor Dai Ti" behind..Well..Since it was a flat surface why not???

The journey was unforgettable!!!
To me, it was like sitting on a washing machine on spinning mood....Vibration all along the road...Plus, i can't see the road and also with Dai Lou's perfect driving skills AND no safety equipment(Dun say SeatBelt la, seat also dun have) ..We were like swaying around the whole van....LOL..i tell u Damn Fun wei!!! Should do that once in a while....

Before i continue.....
The purpose of today outing was to go to KL and return the uniforms(the girls) and collect salary(the boys)....
V reach early in Dai Luo's house, so we spend a little time with his new puppy....His owner like to call him "Kuai Lan"..but like what they say the dog follow it's owner..So, u get what i mean??lol...
Anyway, the dog is sooo CUTE!!!

After that, we went to KL and did our respective purpose~
And then i wanted to do some shopping...but as everybody knows that Dai Lou is a gd son who help his family business so he have to leave by 4....
So, he said that he will meet up with us after he finish helping his dad...
And so the shopping begins~~~

I FINALLY bought my contact lens!! But then the sad story is that my power went up again le!!Zzzzz
And the i brought 2 shirts le!! Damn happy~~ *i love shopping*
After that we went and did what JP wanted to do --------> play video games lo...

We had a little something in WongKok and then head to TimesSquare because i wanted to go to Borders~~ After sometime, all three of us got tired of walking, guess what v did????

We went to the bowling alley and sit there...
the three of us jz sit there all the time criticizing the ppl..hahhaha...Damn fun also...hahhaa..i know la..vy bad....

After that, Dai Lou come and pick us up...that's where the van incident happen lo....
We change car at Dai Lou's father's office..
His mom was gd enough to spare us some last month's magazine...

Anyway, we had our dinner at HappyGarden..I don't know y..i ate a lot today...
and still dun feel full.....Zzzzz...
The four of us ate 8 plate of rice.....Can die

I was suppose to have my second round with my secondary frens..but bcoz of hanging out a bit longer then we intended to(bcoz playing with that Kuai Lan dog) so i cancel the second round..

Anyway.....Dai Lou ask me not to post this post wor...Coz he say vy embarrassed wor...
i wanna say that Dai Lou is a gd son who helps his parents so all u ppl have no right to laugh at him jz bcoz he drives a van k~~~

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

".....I am especially grateful to Taylors College, School of hospitality and Tourism for giving me this once in a lifetime opportunity to........"

This is what i have been doing for the past few hours~~

I have never thank so many people in words before...

Every time i wanna start a paragraph I'll end up writing " i would like to thank...."

I jz can't think of a better sentence!!!

OMG!!! i really feel like screaming on the top of my lungs~~ if i wasn't in the library i would have done so ages ago....

Oh, did i mention that I'm in the college library now??? well, i went through some of the seniors IT report and all of them start by thanking the college....Well, i might as well follow~~

The guys that i came with are now in one of the rooms...Y I'm not with them u ask??

Coz i don't have a laptop~~So I'm all alone here minding my own business~~

Anyways~~ Did i mention that i went to a "play" on Sunday..It was my first time watching a play actually...And surprisingly i have an enjoyable time....

The play was title " Crazy little thing call LOVE played by The Footstool Players"....U can check them out in facebook...

So~~~ i think it's about time i get back to my work lo~~


Thursday, September 18, 2008


My sis bday....

We went to Korean BBQ in Bandar Puteri~~

The food was soooo nice..And the price was quite reasonable~~

Anyway, we forgot to bring the camera soooo no photos of the food...


After dinner we went for a midnight movie

and u know what movie??

I know i know..
I'm kinda out dated..
But since my sis really wanted to watch plus my whole family haven't watch it yet so y not??
The show was awesome!!!
i like the bike the most!!
The show was quite long though, by the time v reach home it was already 3...
But then we stay up to blow the birthday cake...
the cake was baked by me

i dunno what happen and it turns out like that...

Luckily i'm not taking culinary arts~~
when my mom took the cake out and went
"what class is my daughter taking??!!"
The reason??it's bcoz my mom can even poke a hole in it....It's because of the chocolate topping..the cake was quite nice and moist..but the the layer of chocolate>..OMG..was as hard as a stone....
It was hard work put the candles in~~
But finally v managed!! haha

lighting up the candles~~

Bday girl posing
Still posing

And the blowing ceremony ended~~

It was REALLY hard work cutting the cake..i should i say sawing the cake...hahha...

Surprisingly the cake was very nice...(of course la..who baked wan~~hahah)

The sisters~

And then we all went to bed!!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Yesterday was my first time going clubbing..

It was a last minute there were not much ppl joining us...

There were only 6 of us there...

3 guys and 3 girls~~

The day started at 2 in the afternoon where we(Dai Lou,PP and me) were suppose to meet up with Miss Diny Yang at her place in SS3...

It so happens that Miss Diny was still in Shah Alam when we reach her place...

Apparently when she says that we meet in her place at 2, she intents to leave her house at 2..So god knows how is she going to reach in time huh....

Anyway, after much grumbling and complains mostly from Dai Lou because of Miss Diny's late appearance..We started our journey to ----------------------------> PYRAMID!!!!!!

Yes and yes..There again~~

We had our lunch at Kim Gary then went bowling~~

PP got the highest score while Dai Lou was the lowest...

It was fun since i hadn't bowl for a very long time....

I saw my Ruby a fren that i first met in Dorsett Regency where i had my first training...Apparently she have move to Meridian because the pay is good....

Unfortunately for her, she have to quit her job because of her ex-bf who keep on harassing her...She even have to change her number bcoz of that..Poor girl....

Anyway, we were planning to eat seafood in Teluk Gong but then out of no where

they started the idea of going clubbing....

ZZzzzzzzz...Guys will be guys...

So, we cancel the seafood dinner and go clubbing in Euphoria by MOS at Sunway....

Silvia and Casper was happy enough to join us

After much hassle, the girls all went home to change while the guys waited out side for us...

hahhah...Well, what can i say..Appearance is important...

This was my first time going clubbing so i don't know what to expect...

Because yesterday was ladies night..So free administration for the girls while the guys have to pay RM 150 per person...which they complain the whole night especially Casper...

They kept on saying how gd to be a girl and all...i can see that the guys were not as happy as the girls...We(the girls) spend the whole night dancing...

I was a newbie so have absolutely no idea how to dance....hahah..but it was fun jz moving around...

There were guys who kept on going on to us...After we got rid of the first one then the next minute where was another dance behind us.....

It was a whole new experience for me....There was this fat uncle who offer Diny a drink...hahahaha...U should see the look on her face...Which later she complain

"Walau!!!! The face so Ham Sap some more not dancing wanna give drink le!!! Some more so ugly..if leng cai i will consider la....Walau!!!"

Here are some pic that we took..Because the plan was last minute so we did not have a cam.....*sob sob*

The RM 450 JD!!

The girls~

The guys~~

ME and Miss Diny

Diny and the lovely Silvia

Anyway, we went back at about 2 something and yam Cha at AC...

Casper was drunk and kept on talking nonsense about the JD that he have to pay RM150....