and so i went for a short vacation to Richmond to see my dear Korean friend who will be leaving US and back to Korea.
Atiqah travel all the way from Vermont to DC and the Richmond and back to NY and then Vermont. all in all she spend about a day on public transportation.lolx! it was a tiring trip for her.
i left DC on the 7th of Feb right after work, caught the bus and went straigh to Richmond on Greyhound.
the trip was pleasant except that i forgot to take a trip to the ladies before i board the bus..lolx!
other then that, it was a good ride.
when i arrive, i was surrounded by people that look like they are on drugs... even look homeless...horrible first impression if i may say so... i was calling the girls when a taxi stop right in front of me and the two girls were inside that window tinted taxi...lolx! i was soooooooo glad to see them...hahahahha....
so after picking me up, we went straight to dinner. we were staving~
so here are some photos!
don know why my face look so ROUND.
we went straight back after dinner...
was chatting for awhile and then we all went to bed.
the next day, we went shopping in a place i have no way of remembering.... here are some photos~
after shopping for awhile, we went for lunch at a Chinese restaurant..which apparently is too Americanize..the food was disgusting...
here are some photos~
a lot of cam-whoring...

right before Atiqah leave, we cook a meal for here,
went to the supermarket to buy some stuff~